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Dear reader,

Last week, I had the truly joyful and life-changing experience of conducting All Rise by the legendary musician and composer Wynton Marsalis with him onstage, playing with the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra and the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra and Choirs. Our alumnus and new board member, Charles Taylor, and I had a chance to sit down with Wynton and talk about what we do and what we aspire to achieve through the Conductors Retreat at Medomak and the William Grant Still Initiative. We discussed how the Retreat impacts individuals and how it resonates and reverberates in all sorts of ways, in the conductors, in the music world, and in communities far and wide. He recognized the values and priorities we share and wanted to add his support to help us go forward.

Therefore, I am excited to share the news that Wynton Marsalis has donated $10,000 to the Conductors Retreat at Medomak. This is incredibly heartening, helpful, and hopeful right now, as we aspire to reach our highest financial goal ever and to reach it in only around ten days. As inspiring and impactful as this gift is, we still have a long way to go, and we’re going to need the generosity and support of others. Please consider adding your support to Wynton’s and doing what you can to help us meet our goal and go forward with our 27th summer at Medomak!
With my warm and very best wishes,
Ken Kiesler
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